Thursday, April 23, 2009

It all started with guy with a gun.

So this is basically where it all started. One of Chuck's (our 3D and final film teacher) first assignments was having us come up with five different core concepts and rendering them out as illustrations. My concepts ranged from two envy driven pirate parrots to a T-Rex coming out of a cardboard time machine. Jason had his main focus on a cool little story involving a small Easter Island inspired tiki character. He has actually done a short animation on this concept for our 2D animation class.

I seemed to get a lot of feedback on the T-Rex/time travel story and the soldier drawing. I inevitably went with the soldier idea and started developing it before Jason and I paired up. This is the very first drawing of Jake and my very first stab at digital painting. I had no idea what the lascer looked like and I'm pretty sure that I didn't know I was going to call it a "lascer" at this point either. The one thing about the creature I was sure about was it was going to have irked Jake in some way and that it was going to be big. I think it's safe to say that at this point I was fiddling around with the idea of revenge as the core drive to the story. Revenge makes for angry fighting which makes room for mistakes on both sides. This in turn makes for an interesting and emotionally driven confrontation...

...just kidding, I had no idea what was gonna drive the story at this point. I just knew I wanted the opportunity to build and animate a cool creature and a soldier.

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